Walter Cronkite upon receiving the Global Governance Award at the UN in 1999.
“So I go to this big mega church every Sunday. I stay up drinking all Saturday night, which ensures that I’ll have a really super kick ass fun time.
One particular Sunday I walk into the bathroom after the service and there are like 5 guys standing at 6 urinals. So I immediately walk into a stall, because I have a shy bladder. And I know all these guys at the urinals are all making fun of me - high fiving, six gun shooting and tip toe dancing… cuz I can’t PEE with the big boys right?! So I’m feeling stupid but then I come up with this great idea right on the spot. I pretend to snort drugs while I’m in the stall! And suddenly its dead silent, cuz now I’m the cool one right?! And they are all just a bunch of squares.”