Hookers or Cake

Where the self-obsessed get serious about silly
I'm too wacky to be hip.


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    • ------------------------------------- How this blog got its name

      ------------------------------------ There was a large painting of Evel Knievel shaking hands with Richard Nixon. It hung in the Mayors office. Late one evening after everyone went home. I took it down to the lab. I zoomed in on Evel’s left eye a 100x and enhanced it. It was an address. I went to the address. It was a modest, 1970’s style, split level ranch home in the suburbs.

      ----------------------------------- Inside I found a dead parrot lying on a waterbed. I revived the parrot with some saltines and adrenaline. We became good friends. The parrots name was Randy. One night a few years later while Randy and me played Gin Rummy, he sang me a song about a fire. The title of this blog was never mentioned but I sensed it, and Randy confirmed it by giving me ‘THE LOOK’.


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          • October 20, 2012 12:38 am
            A la mode - Ala made - Allee allee oxen free In watching the political arguments and situational TV, and it’s occurred to me, All Ye All Ye In Come Free The game is over for there is no win, truly. Sure we have rituals; football and religion. In these sacred plays there are the Chicago Cubs and there are NY Yankee fans. There is the republican and there is the democrat. Its a straw mans bluff. The only enemy truly, is ignorance and as the old insurance man/poet, Wallace Stevens wrote, The Only Emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream! A la mode! My dear man. There are no bad guys and no good guys. Oh sure there are rabid bubbling monsters, minds gone haywire, and all sorts of wild cold brokeness but what I’m talking about is the story. You know the ones we tell ourselves. “Life is a boundless mystery,” said another insurance… err man, actually I guess he’s a thoughtful lizard. Actually he hasn’t said that yet, the friendly insurance selling lizard on TV I mean, but I’ve hired him and the ad company that created him and I am paying them vast sums of my fortune to say hopeful and strange things during commercials on TV. I’m not selling anything, well actually I’m selling the idea of wonder, because it diminishes ignorance, but I’m not selling material things. Because wonder is a funny thing in its thinglessness. DO you ever wonder? I do, its my favorite thing. I cock my head much in the same manner as my dog. I hear the magic words and I think “I know this,” I whisper to myself, “I know this mystery” just like my dog knows the word walk, she knows the word and feels that its a good thing so she wonders some more and Eureka! A good thing indeed. A walk. We go out and uncover things and investigate the smells and the asses and the trees. Hmmmm… I wonder. (where was I? Oh yes, wonder) I’m a billionaire and I’ve found that people really don’t have any use for all the shit they buy and it doesn’t make them happy or interesting, in fact it does quite the opposite. I found that the only thing that makes people happy is losing themselves in the wonder and awe of the moment. What will happen next? We don’t know, but we’re hopeful because since before we can remember and before we were born there is this interesting sense. Do it right now, wonder with me. Think back to before you were born. Wonder about it. Where where you? Feel it. Where did you come from? And where do you go when its all said and done? I don’t care about your answers, in fact please shut the fuck up with the answers, but please let me see your wonder. It melts away the ignorance and gives birth to a kind of knowing, the kind I often have when I hear the words, All Ye All Ye in Come Free and the word A la mode. And its just not because I love freedom and pie and ice cream. I just like it when morons finally say something out loud that’s mysterious and interesting. It makes me wonder.

            A la mode - Ala made - Allee allee oxen free

            In watching the political arguments and situational TV, and it’s occurred to me,

            All Ye All Ye In Come Free

            The game is over for there is no win, truly. Sure we have rituals; football and religion. In these sacred plays there are the Chicago Cubs and there are NY Yankee fans. There is the republican and there is the democrat. Its a straw mans bluff. The only enemy truly, is ignorance and as the old insurance man/poet, Wallace Stevens wrote, The Only Emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream!

            A la mode! My dear man.

            There are no bad guys and no good guys. Oh sure there are rabid bubbling monsters, minds gone haywire, and all sorts of wild cold brokeness but what I’m talking about is the story. You know the ones we tell ourselves.

            “Life is a boundless mystery,” said another insurance… err man, actually I guess he’s a thoughtful lizard. Actually he hasn’t said that yet, the friendly insurance selling lizard on TV I mean, but I’ve hired him and the ad company that created him and I am paying them vast sums of my fortune to say hopeful and strange things during commercials on TV. I’m not selling anything, well actually I’m selling the idea of wonder, because it diminishes ignorance, but I’m not selling material things. Because wonder is a funny thing in its thinglessness. DO you ever wonder? I do, its my favorite thing. I cock my head much in the same manner as my dog. I hear the magic words and I think “I know this,” I whisper to myself, “I know this mystery” just like my dog knows the word walk, she knows the word and feels that its a good thing so she wonders some more and Eureka! A good thing indeed. A walk. We go out and uncover things and investigate the smells and the asses and the trees. Hmmmm… I wonder. (where was I? Oh yes, wonder)

            I’m a billionaire and I’ve found that people really don’t have any use for all the shit they buy and it doesn’t make them happy or interesting, in fact it does quite the opposite. I found that the only thing that makes people happy is losing themselves in the wonder and awe of the moment. What will happen next? We don’t know, but we’re hopeful because since before we can remember and before we were born there is this interesting sense. Do it right now, wonder with me. Think back to before you were born. Wonder about it. Where where you? Feel it. Where did you come from? And where do you go when its all said and done? I don’t care about your answers, in fact please shut the fuck up with the answers, but please let me see your wonder. It melts away the ignorance and gives birth to a kind of knowing, the kind I often have when I hear the words, All Ye All Ye in Come Free and the word A la mode. And its just not because I love freedom and pie and ice cream. I just like it when morons finally say something out loud that’s mysterious and interesting. It makes me wonder.