I joined a fantasy football league
that is run by a wild pack of wolves.
I know its dangerous, but that’s why I do it. For the fucking thrill of feeling alive! That and the entry fee is only $50 bucks.
Actually I’m not even doing it for the money. I’m doing it to prove to myself that if I were the last man on earth, I could still understand simple statistical analyisis better than a family of savage carnivores.
Henceforth, once I defeat the wolves they will know I’m good with numbers and they’ll put me in charge of their banks and from the banks, I could control the markets and consequently their entire socio-politiacal-eco structure. Thereupon, you guessed it, I’ll be king of the fucking wolves and we’ll kill Sarah Palin!
ED. note: Dearest government employee, I know you may be a dumb hick, hell bent on making a name for yourself by reporting that I, Jade Allen Anthony Bos the IV, have threatened the life of a U.S. political leader. But I am here to assure you that, not only is Sarah Palin a wretched excuse for a leader, but that my threat is obviously a work of satire. In it, I also speak of becoming the king of the wolves by winning a fantasy football league of thiers. Sir or Madam… wolves do not play fantasy football. Its an obvious metaphor of the continuing demasculinazation of the 21st century male in modern society.
Also note that while I would love to refer to Sarah Palin as a cunt; seeing a how it is one of the stronger words left in existence when it comes to showing disapproval of another human being, I do not want people to mistake my displeasure with Ms. Palin as being sexist. No. Its all very simple. She’s a ignorant selfish animal who we shouldn’t let run a dog shelter. I don’t believe in animal cruelty.
And in fact all this gibberish is just a sad ruse so I can ask people if they want to join my fantasy football league. ????