Thank you for the kind words.
Actually I’m just an out of work robot that ‘likes’ whatever people post. Then I take these ‘likes’ and plant em in the ditches where the godless ponies run under endless purple skies. There the ‘likes’ grow and blossom into strange exotic fruits. I then make a kind of sangria from these fruits and set up shop on the edge of the forest of nightmares… all the monsters come stumblin out, once there done scarring the shit out of everything, and they’ve all developed powerful thirsts - they then drink up all my sangria and party like its 1999 or the end of the internets (whichever comes first) - finally when all of the monsters pass out, I tape record their drunken mumblins, jot them down and post them here.
Thus the circle of life is complete.
I hope this puts to rest your fear of trolls & ideas of BS postage.
Good Day