I ♥ gay Harry Potter gifs more than I ♥ gay cats gifs, but I would take either one over a bunch of words and stuff with no gay gifs.
I’ d like to create long, wordy gifs. Stories that change structure and meaning as they’re read. I would love to create a post where every word was clickable and led to other long, wordy posts that were also clickable. Ultimately the clicking would led back to the first article, which with the readers new information would now read completely different . It would be a circular piece sung in the round of ones head. The words would stay the same, but your experience of it would change.
I’m being silly. I should just learn to write the usual cut and paste article about how Harry Potter’s animated, gay cat saved our collective soul. It would be “Redemption Song” for the whitest person imaginable. It would sell like hot cakes (IE. Apple products) and much like the special Olympics, everyone would be a winner.