Oh hai thanks!
I wish I could take credit for it. The name actually comes from… well, I was involved with a cult that was devoted to the teachings of David Lee Roth a few years back. Well don’t ya know a bunch of us got busted for stealing Barbie dolls en masse over at the Santa Monica mall. So the fuzz was patting me down and it was kinda weird… this cop patted me down in this strange and rhythmic fashion and the rhythm stayed with me until one day I was talking to my neighbor Ed about it and he said it was probably some kinda code. We looked into it and sure enough, it was eastern Congolese drum code. Turned out the cop was patting the phrase “Hockney or Lace” over and over again. So I thought it must have some kind of significance so I named some things after it… like my 2 goldfish, my yacht, my kitten racing team and even my blog. I changed my blogs name to Hookers or Cake later on because I had a nephew who died in a lingerie factory fire and I didn’t want to be reminded of that terrible tragedy every time I had a hankerin’ for some blogging action.
So there ya go.
Warm regards
Hookers or Cake
“I used to jog but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.” - Diamond David Lee Roth