The wonderful thing about having a guru is that you are no longer burdened by endless nagging questions and choices. You give all things to the guru. You are free. So if something arises in samsara you just IM your guru.
Me: Jill wants to go to a movie =S
G: What movie? =)
Me: The Hurt Locker
G: SUcKS! =[
Me: Really? It won the academy award?=0
G: Sucks!>=[
Me: K =)
G: if your main character has to give a speech at the end of the film, explaining who he the main character is… your film sucks. x(
Me: oh snap =)
G: that and last scene is a metal video w/slo-mo action =/
Me: wow =D
G: told ya - it sucks! ;)