When I post pictures of Natalie Portman’s exquisite cock, I’ve noticed a tendency for people to unfollow my blog. Over the last 24 hour period I’ve lost exactly 34 followers and gained 3. Moving forward I shall amend all posts with a +/- tag so social media researchers can play along at home. The + is for followers gained and the - for followers lost. The game is called “How to lose followers (and delude yourself into thinking you’re still punk rock even though you’re old and no gives a shit about your lewd and inane ramblings)”
I’m aware that the subtitle is a bit wordy. But I’ve been informed that I need a long subtitle for keyword search proposes. So if you arrived here by searching the internet for “old punk rock” “Natalie Portman exquisite cock” or “lewd inane shit”
…Welcome and warm regards!
Jade Bos
VP of Lewd Pony Press