Just a few words
and a bit of silence
make me incredibly happy.
Listen - I took a theology class once and no one said a thing all year. For the final we remained in silence, only we drank ice cold beer and listened to old Van Halen.
We found God in Panama, drinking Coors light. I thought after that I could find peace anywhere, but I guess, sometimes I still have a little trouble with all the damn noise. If I were to be an ass and offer some advice on creating or living or cooking or whatever? I would say, be quiet. Immerse yourself in silence and then do. I’ve found it to be quite enjoyable. Even if you’re singing Shout At The Devil down at karaoke. Its best done in complete silence. Like a slow ball rolling continually out of its center. Like a baked casserole screaming as if its God asking for a witness to devour itself.