If I win the lottery I’m going to hack into random accounts on facebook, steal all their family pictures and then painstakingly recreate them, only making everything slightly better, no expense shall be spared. Half carat diamonds will become a full carat. Wrinkles and weight will be subtly melted away. Cars and house will receive minor upgrades and everyone will look just a little happier. Then I will then replace the old pictures with the new and improved pics. I will also do the same thing with other families only I will make everything slightly worse.
What do you think the results will be?
This all reminds me of the time I pranked a painfully shy friend at the airport. I hired a woman and two children to impersonate his family, though he was a single man. They jumped up and down and yelled “Daddy Daddy!” when he got off the plane, his “wife” even threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. I’d also rented a car because I wondered just how far he’d let it go.
In fact I think they are about to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. Any ideas on what kind of present I should get them?