So I’m in Japan scouting an 18 yr old pitcher that throws 100. The boy’s got a great heater with a lot of late movement (so did Chopin) but I’m terrified of his delivery. The kids a big strider and torquing quite a load on his UCL, classic inverted W delivery. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just imagine a giant phoenix fucking the sun, its awesome until everything blows up, just like my second marriage, just like Wrestlermania 3 on ecstasy, just like how God used to smile down in favor upon me.
Anywho, this kid’s a ticking fucking bomb, but what pro athlete aint. The trick is to see if he has the moral fortitude to keep his shit together when all holy hell comes crashing down on his widdle psyche - That’s where I come in.
- Boog Powell, Life is all a game, except for baseball