it was a quiet Armageddon
We’d all become so ironic that the sun no longer warmed us and then one day we all just floated away
it was a quiet afternoon
Monica spent most of her time texting sexy pics of herself to herself. It was the only way robots knew how to masterbate.
it wasn’t quite to soon
Father blew up like a bit of a media sensation when he was a teenager. The newspaper had printed a humorous picture of him stealing a glance at the Princess’s growing bosum. The caption said something funny about “stealing the crown jewels” and the comedy bots squeaked about it for 4 1/2 days
it wasn’t quite the moon
Sprawled out on his back deck Howard had hit his head pretty hard. Dazed he lay there not sure how badly he was hurt, so he just relaxed and breathed. He saw the faint full moon floating in the early morning sky above him. It shimmered and popped and Howard fell sound asleep forever after.