If you’re afraid or anxious - don’t worry. I just got back from a 3 day retreat where I became the immortal eye of God… so trust me when I say “Shit is gonna be alright!”
The cosmic emperor has been clipping coupons and socking it away for like 12,000 billion years. Can you imagine the compounding interest! This dude bought stock in the big bang when it was just a primeval atom. We are all gonna be sooo rich.
But really I did take all of this shit (spirituality) VERY seriously. I looked into it very deeply and it roared inside of me and ate my heart. All I can say is that you are consciousness experiencing itself in the myriad of ways and plays of waves. You don’t die. You were never born. Your true nature is freedom. But even better. Think freedom with a fabulous set of tits.
Honor this moment, not because its some chill, present shit to say but honor this moment because when you see into its essence - I mean really see into it. And then once you see into the nature of this ever present moment you’ll be able to sell and once you able to sell? Well then the world is your fucking oyster!
Ya see, God and the Devil are just great salesmen. Ghandi? That dude fucking sold! Ghandi made living like a dirt poor beggar look awesome. He sold that shit like he could never not own it. He sold it like he was giving you a free gift of eternal peace and a self winding watch. He sold people peace and they slaughtered him just like Jesus. Now that Ladies and Gentlemen is selling.
“Love one another!” and then get slaughtered. I can’t think of a harder sell. But Christ did it. And he did it effortlessly. Millions sold!
So how about you my friends? Can you sell?