My favorite artist was someone who went to my old church.
They’d blacked out all the words in the bible so only three words appeared on each page.
I first discovered this work while sitting through an interminable church service. The minister was spewing some hate filled nonsense and I finally picked up the Holy Bible, curious if it really said all these terrible things.
To my wonder and surprise all I found was page after page of “I love you”
it was like a choir of angels was hammering a very simple song into my heart.
I sat there in quiet awe while the asshole preacher prattled on and on with his hate filled fever dream. I was flipping through all those pages as the chorus sang upon me until I broke down and every fiber of my own being too began to sing.
I love you - I love you through everything you big dummy - I love you
I saw every mean and stupid thing I’d done. And a great compassion swelled within me. I found myself flooded by a strange tenderness for my very own self. It then spilled and splashed across everything I saw until all was colored wet and bubblin - baptized in the water light love of compassion all is perfect and free - even the asshole preacher.
Finally I staggered to my feet and thundered out a proclamation to the pastor - “HEY FUCKFACE! Why don’t you put on some pants and get a real job! Cuz you fuckin suck at this one!”
And the universe roared a bright horn chorus of “Dude!” and the high fives were glorious and everlasting.
- for Jesse Hassler - 1971-2010