God would get tremendously bored if it weren’t for the devil. So I guess thats why we kept Phil around.
We threw these parties where there’d be all the usual debauchery; sex, drugs and mad libs but then Phil would call up a pizza delivery boy and pay a sex worker ridiculous amounts of money to act out a 3 hour performance of a “very special Fresh Prince of Bel Aire” episode… you know the one where Will Smith yells “You are not my Father!”
Some of the performances were actually pretty good. We filmed a couple and I think one of em even won the Palme d’or at Cannes.
Ohhh maybe not. I think it was the Dukes of Hazard Kabuki re-enactment that won the Palm d’or that year and we won Cher or something.
pic via words by Hookers or Cake