I telepathically attacked the marching band with thoughts of regret. Their performance was subsequently lackluster causing them not to be chosen to represent your state in the Rose Bowl Parade.
I leeched prescription medication into the drinking water causing you to fall asleep under the trees and dream of evil robot weather men and endless, partly cloudy days.
I secretly scented all of your unscented candles with whorish flavors like Night Passion Breeze & Shivering Musk
I devoured all of your grandmothers guilt and she entered her Buick Crown Regal into the demolition derby and got 4th place. Had she not been so drunk she would have won.
I was reincarnated as a monkey at the zoo and I threw shit at you and your date, ruining both of your snow cones.
I am the eternal queen of the square dance and I will rain down upon you whimsy, terror, and boredom for 90+ years, until you slowly whither away after everyone you love is dead. No one will even remember how to correctly pronounce your name, not even Jesus Christ and his forty thieves.