You have to believe we are magic.
The TV was muted and there was a light beer commercial on. All the people in the commercial were attractive and pretending to drink beer. No one was pretending to be drunk though. They were just pretending to be having the best pretend time social constraints would allow. Watching TV in a pretend bar with their thin pretend excitable friends.
There was a pretend football game on the TV, with pretend football players pretending to play a real pretend game. By the reactions of the pretty pretend people in the bar the pretend football game seemed to be a particularly good one. I even saw a pretend football coach pretend to get into an pretend argument with a pretend referee.
I wondered if the pretend coach’s pretend family was pretending to watch
in their pretend house out in the pretend suburbs.
Did the pretend coach’s pretend wife still pretend to love him after he stopped pretending to give a fuck?
What about the pretend children? Where did it all go wrong? The pretend couple will have been married 20 pretend years this pretend Spring. Should they seek pretend marriage counseling? Should they stop pretending? Will the whole pretend world unravel if they do?