Is God just using us as an escape from reality?
Howard had a problem
He’d taken a sabbatical to finally complete his novel. The two months off work hadn’t set them back too much, though it did mean that their annual vacation would be scaled down to a three day weekend visit with the relatives. Tahiti would have to wait another year or two.
That Howard had written and even finished a second draft of a 700 page novel in as little as two months was amazing. His wife would be pleased, but once everyone realized that his first novel was solely based on the spiritual ramifications of a 1970’s Miller Lite commercial… the old fear and panic began to set in.
“Maybe I’ll just sit here in a catatonic stupor,” Howard thought, “until I actually become a vegetable. I’ll just sit here and die.” Thirty minutes later he was back, eating Cheetos, smoking dope and laughing at the TV. “This is like ten times better than fucking Tahiti,” he giggled.