I’m working up a new spec script for a TV show. Its kinda like Breaking Bad except the cancer stricken main character spends his last 7 grand on his true passion, black market puddin’. Sadly though, while people will eagerly ingest any drug they can buy from strung out hobo’s covered in scabs, they are not interested in purchasing zip-lock bags full of delicious pudding from a dying middle aged man dressed in smart casual. So while our hero tries in vain to unload massive quantities of soon to be expired pudding in a strip mall parking lot, a puppy watches him from a pet store window.
The subplot is about a puppy that grows up in a pet store, but is never purchased and taken home. Day after day the puppy watches famous models and families come in and buy up all his puppy friends until one rainy night he is thrown out of a van out on the turnpike and left to die.
Of course our sad, lost puppy wanders out into the 80 mph traffic right smack dab in front of our increasingly desperate protagonist who’s driving a truck load of pudding to the local old folks home in a last ditch effort to break even, save his marriage, and hopefully his life.
The subsequent wreck is the cliff hanger for the pilot and while I don’t want to spoil the season for you, I will tell you that it involves a mutated puppy pudding man, who kills bitchy assholes down at the worlds largest outlet mall.
The working title is - Expiration Date (love has none)