How wildly it all staggers and swims about…
My friend Todd had interactive tattoos of social networking buttons installed where his genitalia used to be, every time someone would add him on twitter he shook with an orgasmic frenzy that would make an epileptic porn star blush.
I on the other hand was far more practical. I just had the Domino’s pizza tracker, interactive tattoo, installed in my penis. I order a pizza and by the time its ‘out for delivery’, so am I.
Deep in my lovers embrace.
some nights I lose all sense of time and space.
Sometimes I imagine that my sexual desire is in fact making people hungry and that if I don’t ‘deliver’ then no one gets pizza. Do you understand? I have become a God! Sure, maybe its the chemicals or maybe, just maybe I want to feed the world my love. I weep, eat, and fuck and because there is only this moments it all blends and swirls into a devouring cosmic roar. An Om with anchovies.
I’m at your door
feeding all the whores
that we know ourselves to be.