December 2009
145 posts
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Follow UnFollow
So some guy followed me and then reblogged some of my posts. So I checked his stuff and found it entertaining and reblogged some of his posts and then I noticed the guy unfollowed me. So maybe in the course of looking through my old posts this guy came to the realization that I’m a socialist, homo, atheist, on drugs? I’m not, but I sure do post like one. Or at least thats what my gym...
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Fla. woman accused of hitting man with raw steak. →
nomoreundead: (via animalsandmonsters) Egan denied hitting the man with the steak but did admit to slapping him, saying she did it “so that he could learn.” Learn to get the fuck outta Florida. also did it say what kinda cut the steak was? I wouldn’t press charges if it was a nice tender rib eye, but a sirloin or a strip? Thats aggravated assault.